Brain Sleep,” a company that specializes in the science of the brain and sleep, and “Corantotte,” a company that has supported top athletes for many years, conducted a study on the effectiveness of “Switching Wear,” a special wear for rest.

Posted onJun 22nd, 2022

Brain Sleep,” a company that specializes in the science of the brain and sleep, and “Corantotte,” a company that has supported top athletes for many years, conducted a study on the effectiveness of “Switching Wear,” a special wear for rest.

Brainsleep has verified the effect on sleep of the “Colantotte Resno” switching shirt, a brand sold by Colantotte Corporation, the manufacturer and distributor of the magnetic health gear “Colantotte” with the concept of “taking care of your daily fatigue to create your best tomorrow,” and confirmed that it may contribute to improvements in sleep latency, wake latency, and sleep efficiency.

■Verification Results
Result 1: Objective data from activity meters

Result 2: Subjective data by questionnaire using the VAS method


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