Seiji Nishino, author of “The Stanford Method of Getting the Best Sleep,” explains: Corona Damages Sleep Online Media Launch

Posted onApr 22nd, 2021

The Brain Sleep Float Mattress, which provides the ultimate relaxing posture and temperature control, and the Brain Sleep Pillow, which has been upgraded to make brain sleep even easier, will go on sale on May 6 (Thursday) as bedding to achieve the best sleep possible by carefully selecting and combining the wisdom of rainsleep and cutting-edge technology. Brain Sleep Pillow.゙

On the same day, a recycling system aimed at zero-waste will be launched for the Brain Sleep Pillow, and all pillows, comforters, and mattress covers will be made mainly from organic materials.

In commemoration of the launch, an online presentation will be held on April 27 (Tuesday) to explain the Float Mattress, Pillow, and Recycling System, as well as the results of research on the relationship between immunity and sleep in coronary heart disease by Seiji Nishino, director of the Sleep Biological Rhythm Laboratory at Stanford University and a leading sleep researcher. ) on Tuesday, April 27.

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