Green Belt, coral planting, etc. will be held around Maeodoshi Port on Coral Day (March 5th (Friday)) for the purpose of coral conservation.

Posted onMar 23rd, 2021

Green Belt, coral planting, etc. will be held around Maeodoshi Port on Coral Day (March 5th (Friday)) for the purpose of coral conservation.

Onna Village Office (Location: Kunigami-gun, Okinawa Prefecture, Chairman: Mr. Yoshihama) has conducted “Green Belt Planting”, “Beach Cleanup” and “Coral Planting” as “Onna Village Save The Coral Project”. The “Green Belt Planting”, “Beach Cleanup” and “Coral Planting” were carried out along the coastline with the main focus on Maeda Fishing Port on March 5th (Friday), 2021, which is Coral Day.
Due to the effects of the new coronavirus, the 2020 event was waived and this project was held for the first time in two years, but the number of participants exceeded 250, the largest number ever.
In addition, about 40 third graders from Onna Elementary School performed a beach clean in the ocean across from Onna Elementary School and near Yuna Hall, picking up 9 bags of trash.
The Onna Village Office plans to continue holding this event on Coral Day, March 5th.

Onna Village Save The Coral Project Implementation Report
集合場所:真栄⽥漁港(〒904-0417 沖縄県国頭郡恩納村真栄⽥1398-6)
■10:00 出発式 恩納村真栄⽥漁港
■10:30 グリーンベルト植え付け 塩屋区農地
■10:30 ビーチクリーン 真栄⽥漁港周辺海岸 ベストウエスタン沖縄恩納ビーチ
久良波海岸 マリブビーチ
■10:30 サンゴの植え付け 真栄⽥漁港沖
■11:30 終了予定(流れ解散)
■サンゴ苗植え付け 植付本数:350本
■グリーンベルト植え付け 植付本数:320本(60m)
■ビーチクリーン ゴミの量:2tダンプ7台分


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