Automatically improve the rate of electricity self-consumption and avoid purchasing expensive electricity! Automatic operation of Eco-Cute and V2H with “Nature Remo E”!

Posted onJan 25th, 2023

Automatically improve the rate of electricity self-consumption and avoid purchasing expensive electricity! Automatic operation of Eco-Cute and V2H with “Nature Remo E”!

Nature Corporation, whose mission is to “drive symbiosis with nature,” has released automation functions for Eco-Cute (natural refrigerant heat pump water heater) and V2H systems (EV charge/discharge unit) in its next-generation HEMS “Nature Remo E.

In addition, Nature has also released a function to display a “self-consumption score” for those who generate their own electricity, as it is important for households to improve their self-consumption rate due to soaring electricity prices and the expiration of the buyback period under the FIT system.

Please use Nature Remo E, that allows you to check electricity usage and automatic operation for registered devises, for energy management that suits your household.


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