Chiropractic & Relaxation Filament SPA, a developer of “Periosteal chiropractic®”, introduces a new business model of “Chiropractic Drainage” offering extreme soothing and top quality body line with its original technology “Periosteal Drainage” in Ebisu, Tokyo.

Posted onMay 15th, 2023

Chiropractic & Relaxation Filament SPA, a developer of “Periosteal chiropractic®”, introduces a new business model of “Chiropractic Drainage” offering extreme soothing and top quality body line with its original technology “Periosteal Drainage” in Ebisu, Tokyo.

Filament Corporation, operates an osteopathic clinics group that provides a self-developed all-hand treatment that relaxes beyond the myofascial layer,”Osteofascial Seitai ®︎,” opened “Filament SPA,” a membership spa that combines osteopathy and relaxation , on May 14, 2023 (Sun.) in Ebisu, Tokyo. Filament has newly developed “periosteal drainage,” a unique technique offered only under this spa brand. This technique delivers pressure to the periosteal layer, the deepest layer of the human body, to flush out waste from the core of the body and recover from long-accumulated fatigue in a short time. We offer “ultimate healing” in a relaxing atmosphere and “the highest level of body line transformation” while improving the cause of the physical problems.


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