Specialized in fertility and menstrual pain, ” Osteopathic Seitai ®︎” helps women to conceive naturally. Uterus adjustment salon “PEONY” opened in Shinjuku with uterus adjusters ®︎.

Posted onAug 7th, 2023

Specialized in fertility and menstrual pain, ” Osteopathic Seitai ®︎” helps women to conceive naturally. Uterus adjustment salon “PEONY” opened in Shinjuku with uterus adjusters ®︎.

Filament Co., Ltd. has opened a uterine adjustment salon “PEONY” in Shinjuku, Tokyo, which is specialized in solving problems specific to women’s bodies and is staffed by Kotomi Sasaki, a uterine adjustment specialist.
Based on the technique of “Osteopathic Seitai®,” PEONY has developed a bodywork technique specialized for fertility and menstrual pain, and will use its unique technique to improve fertility, women-specific bodywork, menstrual cycle improvement, after-birth pelvic correction, postpartum care, and distortion care to help women create bodies that will never cause regret no matter what decission they make.


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