George & Shawn, Inc., a provider of bluetooth tracer tag “biblle” and other AI businesses that promote local communities structure supervision, has joined a public-private partnership operated by Kakogawa City, Hyogo Prefecture, since fiscal 2023 to provide “suprevision services” mainly for children and elderly people. With this participation, “biblle” will be able to be traced by approximately 1,500 BLE tag-detecting “Supervision Cameras” and 400 “City Official Vehicles and Postal Vehicles” installed in Kakogawa City. G&S is also providing detectors that will be built into the advanced surveillance cameras equipped with AI functions that will be sequentially installed at 150 locations in the city. Through this participation and provision, G&S aims to accelerate the construction of a society in which local residents can easily participate and feel safe and secure by strengthening and improving the accuracy of the city of Kakogawa’s supervision function, which is promoting the construction of advanced and comprehensive community supervision services.
Bluetooth Tracer Tag “biblle” participates in Kakogawa City’s Public-Private Partnership Community Supervision Service, also providing detectors such as advanced supervision camera with AI function. Aiming to promote safe, secure, and sustainable community development for everyone, from children to elderly, formed by the public, private sector, and local residents.
Posted onApr 14th, 2023