With The Next Generation HEMS “Nature Remo E / E lite” You Can Visualize Your Home’s Electricity Bill! This device will support home energy management that matches your lifestyle!
Business Consulting

George & Sean collaborates with Keio Corporation, Odakyu Electric Railway, and Oracle Corporation Japan to launch a pilot project for a “service to encourage seniors/children to walk around town using ICT and tags to keep an eye on them”.
Business Consulting

Yamagata’s Sasako Racing participates in Yaris Cup East Japan with “Bankara” brand Hanaken as their partner.
Business Consulting

Green Belt, coral planting, etc. will be held around Maeodoshi Port on Coral Day (March 5th (Friday)) for the purpose of coral conservation.
Business Consulting

Japan’s first online media launch of INMASK SALON, a skincare product specially designed for rough masks
Business Consulting

Business Consulting

お花のサブスク「ハナノヒ」に、 お届けスタイルの新サービスが登場 お花のサブスクリプションサービス 「ハナノヒ 365days」提供開始 〜「毎日を彩るライフスタイル」をお届け〜
Business Consulting

Business Consulting

Business Consulting

hello MARKET
Business Consulting